6:00 in Oakland
Monday, November 9, 2009 at 10:06AM
[John] in Music, artists, bay area, crown city rockers, friends, hip hop, inspiration, jjc, jjcphotography, life, moments like this, photographer, photography, raashan ahmad, street

I had the honor recently of being asked to put together a video for Raashan Ahmad. It will be uploaded to my Vimeo in a week or two so keep and eye out.

Here are some stills from the project.

Thank you to all that wished me a good birthday this past weekend and spent time with me.

And thank you! thank you! so much Jenni for saturday night!

your the greatest of all time!

have a good week ya'll


Article originally appeared on John Coyne (http://www.caughtinthescramble.com/).
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