Usual Suspect
Wednesday, June 9, 2010 at 08:24AM
[John] in Trevor Traynor, amanda lopez, amanda lopez, artists, bay area, friends, gallery, inspiration, leo docuyanan, matthew reamer, melissa fuller, nina parks, photography exibit, sacramento, sol collective

Once again huge thanks to Amanda Lopez and to the people of Sol collective for allowing be to be a part of this months gallery.

If your in the Sacramento area, the opening reception is saturday June 19th running till July 10th.

The lineup is sick and i'm so lucky to show along side of such talented artists.

Leo Docuyanan
Melissa Fuller
Amanda Lopez
Nina Parks
Matt Reamer
Trevor Traynor 

Unfortunately, i will be on a east coast back home visit and will be unable to attend but, i hope some of you can make it out to support.

Thank you to all involved and for the opportunity Lopez your the best!



Article originally appeared on John Coyne (
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