808 Collabo Stills
Wednesday, July 27, 2011 at 11:39AM
[John] in 808, artists, bay area, california, city life, dj, dj platurn, film, friends, hdr, high dynamic range, inspiration, john coyne, john coyne photography, moments like this, oakland faders, photographer, photography, photography, street, street photography, timelapse, videography

 Here are some screenshots from a callaboration project a long time in the making featuring an original musical compostion by DJ Platurn of the legendary Oakland Faders. This is something that i am very excited about and have been dedicating a large amount of time on to completing. Shouts to the homie Platurn for allowing me to work with him on this one! Thanks brotha!

Article originally appeared on John Coyne (http://www.caughtinthescramble.com/).
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