Fresh Analog Pt. 1
Once again the fellas from F.A.M.E (fresh analog music experience) allowed me to photograph them yesterday.
I had a great time and i'm quite pleased with the outcome.
Check'em out! - http://www.myspace.com/freshanalogmusic -j
Now and then it's nice to give back to others that inspire you.
A few weeks back Blue Scholars released a track entitled "Lumiere" and i put together this collection of imagery to go along with the song.
I am honored that they liked it enough to release it out to their fans.
you can check them out and see why i've been a fan for many years now.
Blue Scholars- bluescholars.com/blog/
Sabzi- townfo.lk/
Geo- prometheusbrown.com/blog/
Geo's photography- brownouts.tumblr.com/
Thanks fellas,