Here is the cover and some stills from Vol .3 and hopefully i'll be uploading it to blurb by this weekend.
As, you can see i played around with the site a bit, hope you guys dig.
6:00 in Oakland
I had the honor recently of being asked to put together a video for Raashan Ahmad. It will be uploaded to my Vimeo in a week or two so keep and eye out.
Here are some stills from the project.
Thank you to all that wished me a good birthday this past weekend and spent time with me.
And thank you! thank you! so much Jenni for saturday night!
your the greatest of all time!
have a good week ya'll
Outcome (RIP)
So, it's a gloomy rainy friday afternoon in the hills of Oakland California today and i've have been prowling around the internet in search of inspiration. I posted some unfortunate news on my facebook the other day about my external hard drive going down on me and me possibly loosing 5 years of photography for good. A good artist always backs up his back up because technology can never be trusted and so is life, shit happens. I haven't heard the final word from the data recovery guy i sent it to and i am keeping my fingers crossed that at least some of it is salvageable but only time will tell. <-- scratch that last sentence, i just received the call that the drive is un-repairable and my last hope of getting the data back would cost me $900-$3900 without a guarantee of everything being recovered.
A lesson well learned john coyne
In an instant, years of hard work images & memories wiped clean.
My good friend Chris said was telling me just yesterday that if i don't get my work back, that maybe there is a reason for it. yup, maybe there is a reason this happened and some higher power wanted me to start over.
either way i have a clean slate and a new outlook on being a responsible artist.
I'm putting the finishing touches on Caughtinthescramble vol. 3 , a 200 page blurb book with many of the images that were on that drive.
Boy i'm glad i put it together when i did
I entitled it 2006-2009 but, i think i should call it R.I.P , whatcha guys think?
Here are some images i'm glad to still have, they are from the 09' treasure island festival
as sad as i am to have lost such important work, i still have my health , good friends , family and i'm loved!
starting a new chapter sounds good
have a good weekend everyone
32yrs old this sunday
thank you