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I wanted to post up something i should have a awhile ago after attending the Hotel De Arts show in San Francisco the 17th of this month. I went to pay homage to an incredibly talented AZ based artist that goes by DS3K Disposable Hero.

I met him back in 06' when i first moved out to the bay area and haven't had the chance to link back up with him since he invited me to the show last week.His art defines ill and i'm a huge fan of the talent and skill he brings to the table, He kills it every time he comes to the bay and he's great people to be around cause of his sense of whats important and his sense of humor as well.

The show that night was incredible to say the least...5 floors of wall to wall artists and photographers that had my mind goin crazy.

I also met a cat named Mark Wasyl who i had to buy a print from cause his pieces were so sick!

Very dope spot , very dope people and very blessed to be a part of it all!

Above is a Gift from Disposable hero

And below is the piece i picked up from Mark Wasyl

The weekends here!

Make the best of it and stay strong!



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Reader Comments (1)

what is that last pic? it's beautiful. but it looks like it has a lid on it... ?

September 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdinyel

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