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Black Patch War

Been a huge fan of Common Market for a minute now and it was very exciting seeing them perform for the first time last monday night at Cafe Du Nord. My live performance photography still needs some work but, i was simply just happy to be there. I will continue to grow & learn and they will improve as time flows on.

I'm feeling so much better today, I gotta persevere though all the hardships that life throws my way and believe in myself. I can't depend on others to give me confidence or self worth, that's all up to me.

I plan on hitting the streets this weekend so we'll see what i come home with and i'll be sharing it with you guys soon.

Thank you




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Reader Comments (1)

John, Your work is amazing! Best I've seen in a while. You have a gift of capturing emotion and the daily truth of pains and strains and cheers and fears. If I had you at my wedding, i'd want you there purely to capture the emotion of the day. Keep up the brilliant work!

October 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStephanie

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